Finished a new piece! Last one before portfolio review.
All artwork copyright © 2009 Jennifer Mundy
The piece that got chosen was "Bully":We are pleased to inform you that work you submitted to American Illustration 28 has been CHOSEN to appear on TRIBUTE our web gallery at ai-ap.com.
On behalf of the entire jury, I thank you for your submission and support of American Illustration. This year’s distinguished jury included Luis Blanco, INTERspectacular; Max Bode, The New Yorker; Ken DeLago, Golf Digest; Kelly Doe, The New York Times; Matthew Lenning, Bon Appetite; Mitch Nash, Blue Q; Justine Strasberg, Nickelodeon; Michael Uman, INTERspectacular.
…it was one of only 200 images from a record-breaking 8,100 submitted to receive at least 2 votes in the student category and is therefore eligible to appear permanently on our website - where over time illustrators build an online portfolio of their AI winning images and where creatives make direct contact with them. TRIBUTE is being redesigned with new search capabilities and will be launched in November.